Thursday, July 21, 2011

Attempts to make my teammates laugh...

In roller derby, we all know that practices can sometimes get mundane. Sometimes we try to break that up by cracking jokes, trying to make each other laugh, just to get reactions out of each other...
Usually this is how my attempts work out-

I usually get an idea in my head that to me seems hilarious
So Im like hey this, this will be hilarious. Looking around i get this type of reaction from my teammates


I proceed with my idea, playing it out completely

Curly Suicide is like

Steph Threat and Lady & the Trample are like what a dumbass

Rainbow Fright doesnt have a mean bone in her body so shes like


Danc the Tanc and Breaker Baker are like


I think I am hilarious so I am like

Miss Phat Booty is like

So then I'm like Mos Deathly that was funny, am i right??
Mos Deathly is like

Then im like FML

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Foreshadowing 7/24

The Parolees have a game Sunday in the 99 degree heat outdoors. Swags first thoughts were, no i think ill sit this one out... Photobucket
Miss Phat Bootys reaction was...Photobucket
Swag then told Booty she would rather Photobucket
Then Miss Phat Booty got real pissed Photobucket
Bootys then in deep thought...Photobucket
Swag then says"But Miss Phat Booty, i have church on Sundays..."

Miss Phat bootys like Photobucket
Swags like Photobucket
So we start playin what we would think would be a friendly interleague team game and to our surprise the Bettie's ferocious blockers, Billy Rae and Punch Drunk Shove, are out for blood...Photobucket
Now the Parolees are all SERIOUSLY PISSEDPhotobucket
Billy Rae starts tearing shit up.. the betties are thinking Photobucket
Miss Phat Booty grows furious at Billie Rae and Punch Drunk Shoves no hold barred attitude...the parolees get pumped...Swag takes a hit to the knees and thinks Ive had enough Photobucket but again gets pissed and is like Photobucket
Curly Suicide seeks revenge for her fallen commrade... shes thinking...Photobucket
Not so fast billy rae, Swags my girl Photobucket
Curly Suicide lays a giant hit on Billy Rae Photobucket BOOM
Swags response to this is Photobucket
Curly Suicide replies Modestly Photobucket